Sunday, April 13, 2008



To all humans and mutants alike. We are organization X a group of highly experienced individuals who can and are willing to help you in the long run. We have learned that there are rumors and perphaps facts about secret organizations that are or will be trying to destroy earth and all of it's inhabitants. On further note we have learned that some of you are not human. You say that you are victims of these organizations. Do not think we are here to help you. Our goal is to help the world and it's normal inhabitants. This world was created for humans and those of you known as mutants are plauging it. It will be you that shall be destroyed. Our organization can not afford any errors. As soon as all mutants are wiped out the safer this earth will be.



Feels Like The Night said...

What is wrong with the mutants?

They were humans and they still are.
My friend and I want to be mutants so ya. How are you not a mutant??? How the heck could a normal person do this??? 0.o

ok then...

Fly Away

Shay & Nike

Shattered_Reality said...

No normal person can pull of killng us all. It's scientifically and physically impossible. We were created, we were human. Now we're a bit different but you have no right to kill us. Everyone, whether mutant or human deserves a chance to live.

Fight back everyone, Start a revolution, Stop this organization


Rae said...

Agree with Dizzy

Feels Like The Night said...

yep dizzy is totally right so Organization X stop being a hypocrite and just live with other mutants!!!

You crazy confused sick people are nuts!

Shay & Nike

FeatherWriter said...

You better watch it! Did you see what happened to Itex? The flock's gonna kick your butt!

griffinrider said...

i highly doubt this was written by an adult, due to its numerous grammatical errors. if you're trying to make yourself sound intelligent, you are failing miserably.

no offense, of course.

Anonymous said...

wow!!!!!!!!u actually think u can stop us =/

Jared Ride said...

hello organizationX. My name is Jared Ride. I know you think you can defeat us mutants, but you cant. You may insult us all you want, but we will never back down. We are free just like regular people. We look like humans. We're stronger then humans. You are going to lose. We will defeat you. We are many and we are strong. If you try to destroy us, we will fight back.

We are fighting to stay alive in this world every day. You are just like the other. Itex was destroyed by the mutants and there followers. The same will happen to you if you're organization does not back down. When I find the flock, we will defeat you. So I say to you one last time, leave us alone, or you will face the consequences.

We Will Fight!!!

Jared Ride

ChesneyCheetos said...

Yeah. Um....before you destroy the world....

Take a grammar class. ^_^


Monkey Kid said...

Hahahahahaha! Dude u actually think u can take all of us mutants and kill us! Pleaz just like featherwriter said look at wat happened to itex!

Eponine Daae said...

i agree with griffinriderand Dizzy and the fact is that almost everbody has either a physical or mental(no offense ment at all!)mutation it's the part that we hid away from everybody our friends our family even our self. Everybody's life is a facade. disagree all you want but there is something about everone of us humans that can be classified as mutation. So if it's a preference that you have that no one else does come to terms with that and be yourself. no im not trying to be a Dr. Phil preson but so what if there is something that other people don't like about you like it anyway and if it's your friends get better friends people who support you!

Maximum Ride Is Awesome
There is Nothing Wrong With Mutants!

Feels Like The Night said...

I totally agree with Eponine Daae because it is soo true for us all. Like you guys arn't mutants yourself.

Apparently this has failed several times in the past...(what happened to organizations a-w?) hehe just an observation!!! Well anyways just stop thinking you control the world and the people in it, cuz you don't. You wanna make the world better? LEAVE IT ALONE!!! why not stop global warming, or like make other fuels instead of "purifying the earth" Believe it or not, a lot of other people like it with mutants. You are not gonna get away with this, and trying is a huge mistake!

Shay & Nike

Itex said...

ok seriously you nead a life any one reading this he proboly just a little boy(I would gess around 10-12) that still sleaps with his mommy that atleast would explain the gramer mishaps i mean i shouldent be talking mine isent that grate in fact this hole entry is proboly a run on sentence or spelled wrong but dont be worryed if not then that grop is proboly just some tenage "badboy" grop of idiots who think that thay could take us for all the mutants my yonger sis. (whos 11) could take them easy


Emu said...

PreP.S. I know you probably won't read this all, but in a nut shell, you should just stop pretending.

No. Your goal is to try to fool stupid people. Bloggers: DON'T BE STUPID! Don't beleive this person's (yes, I said person, but maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's more than one idiot's) crap. Anyway, why would you want to kill or hurt anything, you sick person. Maybe you should be killed, I bet alot more people would prefer that than all the mutants in the world.

~Silver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
~Silver said...

Just..:)). Can't...:))).
:))) the...idiocy of ...all this.

-from a girl who is lhao (laughing her ass off).