Monday, April 14, 2008


It is funny that you believe you can defeat us. You are nothing. We control the world. Our resources are greater then anything you have ever and will ever see. Our assassins are the most skilled in the world. We own most if not all of the many large organizations. Those that were targeted will be the first to be taken out but we will not stop there. Heed our warning all mutants will die.


Monkey Kid said...

Dude, give it a rest! We mutants also have many connections! I myself am a trained assassin and will kill u as soon as i get an army large enough to take u all out. MUTANTS UNITE!!

Beth said...

Um...why would these guys have a blog and be warning us they were coming?

Yeah....your not so bright Mr.No Name....or Miss X....or Mrs. Creepy....uh..whatever.

VJ said...

Umm, is there a reason you want to destroy us victims? I would really like to know what is wrong. Most of us never did anything to harm anyone. We have to fight to survive anyway, you certinally won't help. I agree with Dreamz, exactly why would you warn us that you want to kill us.

Rae said...

Boring. This is getting

Shattered_Reality said...

Once again Rachel I agree.

Whoever you are. You're the lucky one right now. When I get ahold of you it won't be pretty. You're going down.

We are victims just like everyone else. We were taken from our families and forced into this life. Why on earth would you or anyone else want us dead. We're trying to help the world, not destroy it.

If you know what's good for you, you'll back off now before we all get mad.

Anonymous said...

i know you have heard of bones but he/she (i hope its a he) betrayed you his blog isnt there aparenttly you are not the kind of person (or whatever you are) that likes to sit down and talk so we can settle this the hard and painful way.

Chrisis said...

I'm suprised the organization would take it this far. When I left, you guys didn't seem to know how to stay on your own to feet. Well guess what I'm back and I found you. So catch me if you can.

Steven said...







Feels Like The Night said...

Yea steven so true. I'm pretty sure YOU are a mutant, -------- because how the heck could a normal person do this??? And you are like, the anti-Itex cuz you wanna destroy mutants instead of people.

It's not like these people ASKED to be experemented on! This is as stupid as the holocaust and the civil war, killing people for stupid reasons that they can't change. You really must have had no life as a kid, because you are really screwed up. I am normal, and I still think you are crazy.

Go play in traffic


Feels Like The Night said...

Did you guys kill Syd and Mel???

I swear to god, if you did I will kill you. If you killed my friends, if you hurt them, because of what they were. Mark my words. I have...connections.


Vampire Grl said...

Well.....if you all are really going to kill us why give us a heads up why dont just go head and doit.....Yh yall are not good assains if you are going to tell your victims that ur going to kill them b4 time....and sorry to say that you might own most of the big corporations but thats only cause we vamps are letting you we only alot if not all the big corporations we could take you out in no time and we are 50 times if not stronger than any of you we move faster than the speed of light so i acsually feel sorry for all of you who think that could defeat us.....and all the mutants are too going to kick all of yalls buts

The One And Only

Vampire Grl

Cuppy said...

Dude, i don't have a clue what's wrong wid you peeps, but whatever it is, i have no doubt there's a pill for should probably take it. Oh, and mutants have just as much of a bloody right to life as anyone else 'cause guess what? THEY"RE BLOODY LIVING!!!!!! you f***ing freakazoids!!!!! I seriously hope someone shoots you, hell, i wish i could shoot you!!!! what the bloody hell is going through you're friggin' heads?????? You light forsaken MONSTERS!!!!!!!!

Bell epoh anano eid

Anonymous said...

aparently u guys are not highly expeienced proffessionals because if you were you would have killed us already i bet you havent hurt anyone yet.

VJ said...

I try to logicate myself out of evrything. Somehow I dought these people will listen to logic.

Beth said... people are FREAKED...don't blame you tho...but maybe we should skip the anger for just a sec? Threats won't help...maybe just being annoying will...hmmm...

Ok...So X dude, do you really think this is smart?

You warned your quarry (sp.) and don't seem that bright...I won't point out all the flaws in your..."logic" but lets just say there are alot of them...same goes for your planning... X people sound like over grown idiots...which you probably are...

And, if you go after everyone who are associated(Sp.) with so called "mutant" people you got to kill everyone...which doesn't help any1...

And there is a new standard for "normal" buddy, and we are it.

Now, X dude....pick a name.

I have waaaaaaaay to much free time so I thought these up.

Miss X

Ox (You are bull-headed)

Oxi-clean (It has OX for organization X in it...)

Mr No Name

Mrs Creepy



You know, because I like these names better....or I could just keep calling you X dude...or person...

And, why an X in the first place?

......I think to much

Sorry if I offended any1 other than the X people.

And if I offended them they need some humor...*hint,hint*

I forgot what else I was going to say......

Itex said...

scrue you x people and if you arnt a bunch of sissys and you so much as lay a hand on my sis. Frankie i will personly take all of you down my self i have killed people befor and all do it agian when i truly get angery i proboly could take 15 termonators down (if you havent sean termonater then i should tell you they don't die you ether hafe to take the chip out or vaporize them) whach your backs cuse im comming if you are a littel kid then still will hunt you down just know torcher befor deth

- JO

Xingu said...

really popular..

Xingu said...

i don't think they like you...

Try and catch me!

Liam said...

hey organization X what's my number i want to know you sons of a bitches i'm not so special to be excluded so come on take a shot at me i'll take plenty of you with me!
keep fighting!!!

griffinrider said...

hey, mrs. x (i'm assuming yo're a woman for no particular reason): i highly doub that you'll answer any of these comments, but if you do answer one question, please let it be this one: why did you start this blog in the first place? this just prooves that organization y (i like it better than x) is a hoax. if you're so obsessed with killing people, why would you give them a heads-up first? sounds a little considerate for a bloodthirsty organization, don't you think?

violet said...

i was wondering, am i considered a mutant if my powers are not genetic? i mean, they're not the result of a genetic experiment. i guess not, because i didn't get a warning or anything from these organization people.