Tuesday, April 15, 2008


We understand that some of you believe that we are fake. You are wrong. Bones was fake, a child unsure of his destiny. Every member of Organization X knows their destiny. Those sent to the field shall return successful or die. It is a choice that we have all made. You cannot run from destiny. As for why we are warning you mutants, it is no fun for our elite assassins nor does it help them to just kill their prey. By warning you we have made the ultimate training arena. You see this is not only about killing mutants in fact the point that we might not wipe out all mutants does not bother us. With the destruction of mutants we are creating stronger assassins to keep this world under our control.


Shattered_Reality said...

You, keep us under control? Are you kidding me. We're a bunch of mutants trying to survive. It's like you trying to train a human to jump through hoops.

Just so you know you think that you're going to defeat us, you're wrong. I'm Dizzy, the leader of the watchers, a group of mutant hybrids with attitude and a new special ability. I really doubt that you want to mess with a pack of wolves.

Feels Like The Night said...

Oh so this is a TRAINING COURSE?!?! And no, you don't control the world. Stop being an egotistical modern Hitler with serious issues and get real. This is the real world. You can't just take lives when you wish so you can attempt to be stronger. It doesn't work like that. How you don't know that is a mystery to me. These people didn't ask to be like this. They didn't want to be tested on.

This is like a modern holocaust. You are discriminating against people because of who they are. You want to rid the world of them, when in reality, they should rid the world of you. This sick game has to stop. Now.

Shay & Nike

Rae said...

What they said.

jae said...

hate to break it to ya (well actually i have no problem with it) but.....your losing this sick game

*dess* said...



griffinrider said...

organization x, you go blog surfing? interesting. i would think that you'd be a little busier, what with all those mutant kids you want to track down. you're sounding a lot less like a top-secret organization bent on killing mutatants, and a lot more like some fanatic maximum ride reader. either you're just some 12-year-old with fifth grade grammar skills, or organization x has a lot of time on its hands.

and what you just said remined me of the attitude of ancient Sparta. does that bother you? they were not a joyful bunch. i bet you don't get invited to a lot of dinner parties.

Beth said...

Can we say idiotic?

Dude, back off. Your going to get your butt kicked. You sound like some goof who now has a bunch of mad kids out to get you...very smart aren't you.

I agree with griffen mostly, I think that your getting more stupid by the day.

Come on, it's more fun for your assasins and it helps train them so you can rule the world? Very likely...not.

I have a new name for you X, Control Freak. (You do know that these kinds of plans never work right? All well, its your problem.)


Steven said...

Haha. This blog entertains me.

Like you have a chance...

Have fun trying.


piper said...

i know that i was a fake because i was but i have changed now....i think and i have to say by the comments and blogs that i have read mutants are typicly stronger than you

Rae said...

Hey, Piper.
The Bones thing was stupid, but I'm glad you're not anymore.
AND OF COURSE the mutants are stronger!

Itex said...

Blah Blah Blah fuck you ass holes you realy need a girlfriend and life and im not implying that i like you but if you do have a girlfriend then she probly lost a bet or shes a fucking idiot if you a girl it a bad idea for you to have a girlfriend trust me you shouldent experiment with you sexualaty it just not right

so your gonna control us thats realy gonna happen and if you do happen to even tuch any of us (think that i already mad it clear how strong i am) your gonna get your sorry ass kick so in conclustion shut the fuck up you ass holes an get a life to im all ready in the prosses of tracking you so you proboly should hop counyries i mean contanets NOW


Monkey Kid said...

I'm not under ur control!

VJ said...

rae said this:
The mutants are poor people who have been taken from all chance at having a nromal, safe life by these evil companies like Itex etc.
They have had no choice in the matter, and have been turned into "mutants" against their will. They are mistreated and often killed by the companies that "created" them.
They are sometimes given wings, and/or alternate DNA, and/or they are genetically "enhanced" (ie made into psychics etc).
The Anti-Mutant groups, such as Organization X are basically a modern day Hitler group. They want to "purify" the world, 'giving it back to the people who it was intended for: humans". So they wish to eradicate the "mutant freaks", regardless of whether the "freaks" are good or bad.
Most mutants are already on the run from Itex and such. They fear for their lives on a daily basis. And yet, Organization X is out to kill them, too.
And this group wants to take down the people who feel sympathetic for the mutants. The NORMAL people who actually have a heart are also slated to die.
Just because we're good people and want to help those in need, we are condemned to die. Nice thought, isn't it?
SO choose what you like. You can be brought down with Organization X, and probably get killed in the process, or you can be with the mutants and support them but run the (significantly smaller) risk of being killed by Organization X.
I'm with the "freaks". And I'm proud.
If I'm slated to die, then I'm going down helping them.
I'm 11 and I'm willing to die for this. (I guess that's what I'm saying.)

(And now I will apologize to all mutants etc. for making it sound almost as if they/we are weak and need to be babied. They are really awesome and can fend for themselves/ourselfs...but they/we still need our/your support.)

Emu said...

Yeah, ok, whatever. If you were so real, you wouldn't have a blog. Wow. You really think an organization that has the authority to kill living things would have a blog, wow, you're smart.

jae said...

man you have made a ton of friends...congratz. this is getting into hide and seek...cat v.s mouse....mad mutants v.s stupid 'organization'... now really do you think you have a chance? you've already started something you cant win. once again---congratz *sarcasm intended*

ChesneyCheetos said...

Psh, I make my own destiny, beeotch!!

And Hitler called, he wants his ego back. ^_^

Liam said...

Hello, illuminati…may I ask to which commissar or capo I have the privilege of speaking to now? I’m not stupid I can connect the dots… it just help’s to know that I have a nice little capo near me in you organization the illuminati!
Keep fighting!!!

Rose Mary said...

you do not have the strongest assassins. I know the strongest assassins. and the world was not made for humans. I'm not human but I'm no experiment. And we can defeat you. I've dealt with worse. destiny, ha! it is not anyone's destiny to kill. If it is it's a self chosen destiny. No organization can remain good if their purpose is to kill. and these people are part human. if their destruction is absolutely required (which I doubt) why not make them human?

Shelbi said...

hi!!!!! my name is m'lynn! you probly don't know me, but i know you! youre organizationx!!!!!



you are the most retarded person/people i know!!!!! my best freakin friend is a mutant!!!!!! u no her to!!!!! jo. you wossies wouldnt hav a chance competein with any NON-MUTANT person! so why start talkin crap about HUNDREDS OF MUTANTS? i dont give a crap about your stupid lies any more!!!!! i mean this whole thing is a fake!!!!! you can cut the feakin act strin bean!!!!! this lie is gettin realy old!!!!! so shut up b4 I track you down and shove that stupid piece of crap you call a computer up you BUTT!!!!!



hav a terrible day!!!!!:)

ps: i hav a blog called purple people eater (in case you cant take a freakin joke, I DONT EAT PEOPLE!!!!!) go to mmsoftballgirl.blogsplot.com.

organization x sux!!!!!

Itex said...

ok you might know my sister jo and just for you f.y.i and for you dummys out there that means for you information my sister ir right and if you think that you sissys think you can even take frankie who is just a little a little girl(who has been in more fights to the death.....and lets just say won and who has woken up to have her mouth ducktaped and in a strange place surrounded by some of your friekin kind who think that they can just walts into our allready crappy lifes and theydecide that we arent good enoughf for them so they say lets just kill the mutants)... lets see how you like it when we find you and deside we dont like you ok so you sissys your "destiny" says just give your little game up and get a life ok and just forget about us because we are just some kids who were doomed by stupid scientists...we are just like you a trying to live... exsept lets besides the fact that we arnt little dorks sitting at home who get showers every night and get a cushy life with a meal every night and we dont know what we are eating the next night and even if we do get a meal we split it between the younger kids so they dont die of starvation! ok another thing i need you to remember is watch your back because i am watching you as you read this...have a nice day
